Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

ent disorderIt is fairly common for adults and children to have disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. Some people may only require cosmetic surgery to improve the shape and size of the nose, while others may also need a functional correction such as removal of nasal breathing obstructions. However, patients should be aware that specific ENT disorders should ideally be treated by an ENT specialist only.

ENT Treatments
An ENT specialist or an otolaryngologist will typically dedicate their clinical and research efforts in one or more of the sub-disciplines with this field. These may include:

• Pediatric otolaryngology
• Allergy
• Head or neck injury
• Rhinology
• Otology
• Neurotology
• Sleep medicine
Facial cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery

Nasal Airway Obstruction
A number of ENT disorders are caused due to obstruction of the nasal airways. Such obstruction causes difficulty in breathing, resulting in a debilitating impact and limiting the patient’s ability to perform physical activity and curbing their energy levels.

Nasal airway obstruction will also hamper the patient’s capacity to filter pollutants in the air, making them more susceptible to disease and infection. An ENT expert can repair the obstructed nasal airway and enable the patient to enjoy a fuller and healthier life with renewed vigor and strength.

Nasal airway obstructions may occur by birth or develop later due to various reasons. Some of the common causes of this condition are as follows:

• Deviated Septum
• Nasal Polyps
• Allergies/Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis
• Turbinate Hypertrophy
• Nasal Valve Collapse
• Nasal tissue enlargement

Once the source of nasal airway obstruction is identified and the problem is fully diagnosed, the ENT specialist will prepare a customized treatment plan to resolve the concerns in a comprehensive manner and restore the patient to optimal health. An experienced surgeon will choose the least invasive clinical techniques to minimize risk and reduce the post-op recovery period.

For more information on Rhinoplasty or other procedures and treatments performed at Ear, Nose & Throat of Fairfield, contact us today at 203-259-4700.

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