Five Signs That You Need a Deviated Septum Surgery

septum surgeryThe septum is the piece of cartilage and bone in the middle of the nasal cavity that separates the right nasal space from the left nasal space. In general it may not lie perfectly straight and slight bends within the septum may not cause any symptoms.

How Can You Detect A Deviated Septum?
If you have a deviated septum, the disparity between the sizes of your nasal passageways can be so severe that it creates a blockage in one or both nostrils. For this reason, a deviated septum can lead to problems such as: Continue reading

Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

ent disorderIt is fairly common for adults and children to have disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. Some people may only require cosmetic surgery to improve the shape and size of the nose, while others may also need a functional correction such as removal of nasal breathing obstructions. However, patients should be aware that specific ENT disorders should ideally be treated by an ENT specialist only.

ENT Treatments
An ENT specialist or an otolaryngologist will typically dedicate their clinical and research efforts in one or more of the sub-disciplines with this field. These may include:

• Pediatric otolaryngology
• Allergy Continue reading