If you are embarrassed by the size or shape of your nose, it can have a significant impact on your overall appearance and self-confidence. Rhinoplasty can alleviate your embarrassment and correct related health issues by redefining your nose. A Rhinoplasty remains one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures for both men and women. Yet, as popular as it may be, nose reshaping is not for everyone. If you are considering getting a nose job, there are a few qualities that may make you a good candidate.
Unhappy With Your Facial Symmetry
Yes, a rhinoplasty can provide serious medical benefits to patients who need improve nasal structure, but nose surgery can also be an excellent option for patients unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of their noses.
Our noses define our face, so it is natural to feel self-conscious about odd looking bumps or ridges. A rhinoplasty can adjust the bridge, nasal tip, nose profile and nostril shape to provide either subtle contouring or an aesthetic redesign, depending on your needs.
You Have Breathing Problems
Breathing problems are one of the primary reasons that rhinoplasty is performed. Whether they are caused by abnormal formation of nasal structures at birth or injuries that obstruct your airways, a rhinoplasty can often clear these issues up and get you back to breathing normally.
You Have Stopped Growing
Though rhinoplasty is a commonly sought-out procedure for teenagers dealing with self confidence issues, most doctors recommend that patients wait until after they are done growing before having the procedure. Facial anatomy and symmetry changes all the time during the teenage years, and the best results are usually found after facial growth has finished.
You Have Realistic Expectations
It is important to keep your expectations real. Expecting a perfect nose will likely leave you dissatisfied with your results, no matter how well your rhinoplasty was performed.
Contact Us
For more information contact Ear, Nose & Throat of Fairfield today at 203-259-4700.