Tag Archives: Nose Treatment

How To Know You Need Rhinoplasty?

Nose SurgeryWhen the size or shape of your nose makes you uncomfortable, it can have a huge effect on your physical appearance and self-confidence. Rhinoplasty will relieve your discomfort by redefining your nose and correct the associated health problems. A Rhinoplasty remains one of the plastic surgery procedures most commonly performed for men and women alike. But nose reshaping, as common as it may be, is not for everyone. If you’re considering getting a job with your nose, there are a few attributes that might make you a successful candidate.

Unhappy With Your Facial Symmetry
Sure, a rhinoplasty can give patients who wish to strengthen their nasal structure significant medical benefits, but nose surgery can also be an ideal choice for patients who are dissatisfied with the aesthetic appearance of their noses.

Our noses define our face so feeling self-conscious about bumps or ridges that look strange is natural. Bridge, nasal tip, nose outline, and nostril shape may be modified by a rhinoplasty to provide either subtle contouring or cosmetic redesign, depending on your needs.

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Signs You Need a Deviated Septum Surgery

EAR NOSE, THROAT, WOMANThe septum is the part of cartilage and bone that separates right nasal space from left nasal space in the centre of the nasal cavity. It does not necessarily sit completely straight, and minor twists within the septum do not cause symptoms at all.

How Can You Detect A Deviated Septum?

If you have a deviated septum, the disparity between the sizes of your nasal passageways can be so severe that it creates a blockage in one or both nostrils. That is why a deviated septum will cause problems like: Continue reading